Un libro tante idee

Scopri come essere creativo e innovativo con esercizi pratici e consigli pratici per ogni occasione

view of floating open book from stacked books in library
view of floating open book from stacked books in library

Chi siamo

Scopri di più sul libro 'Progetto Creatività' di Roberto Arleo

girls reading book while lying
girls reading book while lying
woman in striped shirt sitting on bed while writing
woman in striped shirt sitting on bed while writing

Attività creative

open book on top of several stacked books
open book on top of several stacked books
Scopri nuove idee
Crea abitudini innovative
person holding open book viewing mountain view
person holding open book viewing mountain view

Recensioni dei clienti

opened book on table
opened book on table

Il libro è davvero ispiratore. Mi ha aiutato a trovare nuove idee per il mio lavoro.

photo of library with turned on lights
photo of library with turned on lights

Consiglio vivamente questo libro a tutti coloro che vogliono sviluppare la propria creatività.

book near eyeglasses and cappuccino
book near eyeglasses and cappuccino
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur book on side table
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur book on side table
white book page with black background
white book page with black background


open books on white surface
open books on white surface

Dove siamo


Via Creativa, 123, Città Creativa

Lun-Ven: 9.00-18.00